Trying something New- "litter training"
Christmas Trees and puppies- what could be better?
This past weekend Cassia and I were entered in the Eukanuba show in Florida. This is the first Christmas Mike's mom is selling the Christmas Trees alone. She anticipated that this weekend would be busy, so we decided to go help sell Christmas Trees instead. Maybe next year I will get to Eukanuba.
Linda and Xena are Back and Running!!!
Linda had a long recovery- but finally, she is BACK! I am so glad that she has recovered and I sincerely hope that she feels like a new person! This weekend she went to a NADAC agility trial and Xena qualified 5 out of 6 runs and placed 1st 4 times and second 1st. Read more...
Acadia Catch Me If You Can, RN- 16 months and starting agility
Liza's first litter
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Can. Ch. Grandgables Travon Track Star |
Great Dogs and Great Friends!
Many VERY successful “
"Welcome Home, Cadie"
Last Thursday I had the honor to judge sweepstakes at the LAST specialty show the Shetland Sheepdog Club of Greater Tucson was hosting. This club has been in existence for 40 years, but for the last two it has been struggling and decided to end.
I was the President of this club back in the ‘90’s and we had great shows, fun meetings, and we even hosted the ASSA National in 1998- for which I was the Local Show Chair. We hosted 2 specialties a year in conjunction with the
Genetics are a mystery: Acadia Italian Ice, aka. "Bianca"
Happy Birthday
Today is my birthday, and also Ch. Acadia Sunburst Merry and Bright's birthday. We are home getting ready for the impending storm.
Read more...The Lovely Dove wins a Major !!!!
Today Acadia Peace of Mind, Dove, won her first, of the necessary two, majors. I am SO EXCITED!!! The shows were in Cumberland, MD. The drive to and from the show was just AMAZING with fall color. A number of people at the show commented on the fact the leaves seem to be holding on longer and they seem brighter this year. It makes me think I should be taking lovely fall pictures of Dove!
New *CH* Acadia Sunburst Merry and Bright
New *Grand* Champion Acadia Presence of Mind
This weekend Cassia became my FIRST GRAND champion. This is a new AKC title. Dove was Winners Bitch on Sunday for another 2 points bringing her total to 9, and also putting us in the tough position of just needing majors. This is where it gets expensive, because you can enter shows, but then if the entry is not large enough for a major, then you can't show them. Read more...
Acadia ! It’s Mirluc I found You ! Part 1
I knew EXACTLY who he was the minute I saw his name in my email in-box. Steven Ieronimo. I was excited to read, “Growing up my mother use to breed and show shelties. My mother, Betty Ieronimo’s kennel name was Mirluc and I see you started your breeding line with a dog from Shirley Vicchitto, Shirley started her kennel with dogs purchased from my mother. I would be very interested if you have any now or in the future puppies that trace their line back to my childhood dog “Mirluc’s I’m a Handsome Devil” “
The reality is even better! *I* got my start from his mother too!
The dog that started it all (for me) was Ch. Parker of Mirluc, CD. ALL of my shelties go back to Steve's childhood dog, Ch. Mirluc I'm a Handsome Devil, UD !!!
My parents didn’t have any interest in having a pet, but their youngest daughter, (me), wasn’t going to be able to live without one. After years of trying to see if small caged animals (gerbils, fish) were going to fill the need, they finally gave in and in 1977 we got our first dog- a sheltie we named Tyler. I was a bit too energetic for Tyler and he preferred my less raucous older sister. He was only 2 years old when he was hit by a car and killed. I was devastated, my parents were devastated, our family was devastated, and my father, wanting to protect his children from the pain of such a loss, said, “NO MORE DOGS!!!” For me, that was the most devastating!
I read my horoscope, and that of my dad’s, and one day they matched! I took my dad to breakfast at Friendly’s and explained that I NEEDED another dog- and he listened- and agreed. This time I had decided that I wanted a “show dog” (but I had never been to a dog show before). I bought the book Sheltie Talk and read it cover to cover. My mom and I looked in the classified section of the paper for puppies, and we went to look at them. Can you even imagine a young girl, in 5th or 6th grade, going to look at puppies, and not coming home with one? When we got to the places that were selling the puppies I could just tell that I was not going to find my “show dog”- and we would go home empty handed.
When we answered a newspaper ad and arrived at the Ieronimo household, I KNEW that this was the place! Betty showed me her champion male- the very same, Ch. Mirluc’s I’m a Handsome Devil, UD. He was breath-taking. She showed me the mother of the puppies, and she was beautiful(and SMART!) too. As a matter of fact, all of the dogs were beautiful !
Betty told me that she was keeping both of the girls from that litter and only the two boys were available. I got them to trot along so I could see the gait, I played with them, she showed us the father of the litter in Sheltie Pacesetter, and I went home with Parker.
To be continued….
A good weekend at the shows
This past weekend started on Thursday. Mrs. Michelle Billings was the judge and Liza (Acadia Stage Presence) was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners from the Bred-by-Exhibitor class. Cassia was Best of Opposite Sex, and Brother (GCh. Grandgables The Frat Boy) was Best of Breed. When the judge was handing out the ribbons I said to her, "your Best of Winners is the daughter of both your Best of Breed AND your Best of Opposite." The judge said, "well they all have really nice legs. Who is the breeder?" I said, "I am !" She replied, "Keep up the good work!"
I didn't show on Friday, but on Saturday Cassia was Best of Breed and Brother was Best of Opposite. That was a very nice win. That judge was Murral Purkhiser and she was very complimentary of Cassia.
Friday night Cadance Kelly, my neice, joined me and we went back up to the shows for Saturday and Sunday. She is 8 years old and I she really likes dogs. I enjoyed her company and I hope she will one day be showing dogs too. I look forward to reporting more about Cadance.
The joys of summer- Puppies !
Proposed Legislation affecting hobby breeders- Your assistance is needed NOW!!
Please Join me in opposing a New Rule Change which would affect not just hobby breeders, but you- the interested public and how you will be able to purchase a puppy in the future. Please join me and sign this petition.
Join With the AKC to Protect Responsible Small Breeders
The American Kennel Club has created the Join With the AKC to Protect Responsible Small Breeders petition in response to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) new proposed regulations which would create harsh and unintended consequences for responsible small and hobby breeders in this country.Please join us by signing the Join With the AKC to Protect Responsible Small Breeders petition before July 16 when the public comment period to the Animal Care Division of the USDA’s Animal Plant and Health Inspection Service ends. The petition, along with AKC’s comments on the proposed rule change, will be sent to the USDA.
What’s the best way to express concerns or seek change on the proposed rule?
The AKC recommends that you share your concerns directly through the USDA/APHIS comment site. Respectful, constructive comments that clearly outline your own concerns, experiences, insights and any alternative recommendations are the most effective way to impact the policy of the proposed rule. These concerns will be read by USDA/APHIS as it considers how to proceed. Comments will be public. Comments should be submitted to the USDA/APHIS directly, either:
- Online at!documentDetail;D=APHIS-2011-0003-0001.
- Or via postal mail at:
Docket No. APHIS–2011–0003
Regulatory Analysis and Development
PPD, APHIS, Station 3A–03.8
4700 River Road, Unit 118
Riverdale, MD 20737–1238
Ch. Acadia Presence of Mind wins a Group 2
This weekend Mike and I went up to Rochester, NY to some shows. Mike never comes with me, so it was nice to have him along. We didn't get to leave until after I got home from work on Friday- so we arrived in the dark. The next day our ring time was in the middle of the day, but I was happy because and I still had two dogs to trim. We got to the show in the AM and spent the day. Cassia was Best of Breed- and then she (and I) won a Herding Group 2 ! That was the highlight of the weekend.
New *CH* Acadia Serenity's PERFECT day!!
Saturday we were in Mass. at the Granite State Shetland Sheepdog Club's specialty shows. They were having 2 shows in one day which was perfect for me as I could travel on both Friday and Sunday and still get 2 opportunities to finish Serena The judge at the first specialty was Tom Coen (Macdega shelties) and the judge at the second specialty was Joseph Molloy. Both of these judges are HIGHLY regarded in shelties and their opinions carry a lot of weight.

The other exhibitors were so nice, they were genuine in their congratulations. The club hosted a wonderful show and even had a dinner for exhibitors between the two shows. It was really nice. The people were nice, the weather was nice, the wins were especially nice! It was a Perfect day! Read more...
Acadia Serenity wins a major- 1 point to go!
This Memorial Day Serena won her 2nd major to bring her within 1 point of the Championship. She was shown in the Bred-by-Exhibitor class, which is my favorite class. Dove won her class too, so they were both in for Winners. I am showing the tri boy, Acadia's Hidden Treasure "Cache" and he was Reserve Winners Dog. All-in-all, it was a good day.
Read more...Acadia Serenity wins a 4pt specialty major
New *HSAs* Acadia Infinite Spirit, *HSAs*
On Saturday Kathy and Finn completed the Herding Started title on the A course with Sheep (HSAs) with Style! Finn was 1st place in his class with a score of 88 from judge Rusty Jeffers (pictured)- Finn even beat out a Border Collie for the top honor.