Finn- a Rincon x Faith puppy

This is Finn - portrait taken on 5/18/2010. He is one of the Rincon x Faith puppies. He is a litter brother to Xena and he lives in Nevada. He has been herding with his owner, Kathy. She writes: "Everyone in LA loved him and he's a great traveler. In LA he raced across the big areana to get the sheep. But he stayed at the proper distance applying just enough pressure to group them on the fence and looked back to ask ok now what? So far he works quietly and intently on his own. I will wait to direct him. Jerry (Steward) said to let him try to think on his own and work out what he needs to do. As I said before, Jerry Stewart really liked his strong herding instinct and style. And I couldn't be happier :)

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