High In Trial at the ASSA National Herding Trial
>> Sunday, March 14, 2010 –
ASSA National,
Show Low,
Acadia What Ever It Takes, HXA
s*d*, AX,OAJ successfully completed the Herding Excellent title on Ducks and in the process was Reserve High In Trial at the ASSA's duck trial. Later that day he competed at the Herding Excellent level at the Sheep trial- he was High In Trail with a score of 96!!! His run was Almost Perfect.
WIT, as he is called, is owned by Morene Brown (on the right) and is trained and was trialed by Sue Bradley (in back). Morene didn't come to watch because she was concerned that her presence might disrupt WIT's focus- it might have been the right thing to do, but we were all sorry she was not there to cheer and enjoy all of the excitement of such a thrilling win.
WIT is sired by U-Ch. Linden Acadia Stacked Deck, HIAsd, CDX, out of Acadia Sweet Emotion, AX, AXJ, PT, OF
Huge congratulations!!!!
Wow Cadie, big congratulations to all involved, that's just wonderful!
Jo Ann
What a beautiful dog, great attitude. So glad I got to meet him and see his runs! HUGE Congrats to you, Cadie!
Thank you- of course I am proud, but HUGE CONGRATULATIONS go to Sue and Morene.
Penny Brcich- Show Low's mom, emailed me and asked that I post her comment for her-
BIG HUGE HEARTFELT CONGRATULATIONS! To ALL on WIT's wonderful success at the National!! I am so excited for you all! What a great line of awesome herding dogs.
From Penny & WIT's dad, Show Low
(Show Low plans to be competing in Advanced Ducks and Utility this year! Wish us luck!)
Penny- GOOD LUCK!!! to you and Show Low on Ducks and Utility!