MACH 4 Acadia Color of Passion, HSAs, MXC, MJB2, OF (2/14/1998 - 6/17/2014)
Retired from agility for many years, Molly still took every opportunity to chase Border Collie Quest and "train him" to do the work. Molly and Valerie were born 2/14/1998 about the time of my first Sheltie National in Tucson where I met their breeder owner. Cadie Pruss, I can never thank you enough for sharing the girls with me. Valerie pass just a few weeks ago and Molly was still going strong at that time. Valerie passed during her nap on the cement patio, today, Molly passed in almost the same place and way. Tomorrow will be the first day since 1991 that there is not a Sheltie in the house. It will be so weirdly quiet"