Saturday we were in Mass. at the Granite State Shetland Sheepdog Club's specialty shows. They were having 2 shows in one day which was perfect for me as I could travel on both Friday and Sunday and still get 2 opportunities to finish Serena The judge at the first specialty was Tom Coen (Macdega shelties) and the judge at the second specialty was Joseph Molloy. Both of these judges are HIGHLY regarded in shelties and their opinions carry a lot of weight.

At the first show Serena was being shown in the Bred-by-Exhibitor class because she still needed one point. She was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for another major and the Championship! I was able to move her to the Best of Breed class for the second specialty under Mr. Molloy. He awarded her Best of Breed!!! She won the whole thing! I can't even begin to describe how great that day was!
The other exhibitors were so nice, they were genuine in their congratulations. The club hosted a wonderful show and even had a dinner for exhibitors between the two shows. It was really nice. The people were nice, the weather was nice, the wins were especially nice! It was a Perfect day!