Congratulations to the Obama's on their new puppy

Well I couldn't be more pleased!! Way back when- at the beginning of the "dog discussion"- when the AKC was asking "What breed should the Obama's get?" - and DIDN'T offer the Portuguese Water Dog as a choice! I put my .02 in on the subject (on this blog of course) and stated I thought the First Family should get a Portie. THEY HAVE!!!

Congratulations! Of course the Animal Rights people are disappointed that the dog is not a "shelter dog", but I am so pleased that the President didn't bow to the tremendous pressure these groups were putting on a very personal decision. I am so glad this family did what was best for THEM. I love all dogs (and we have a mixed breed too)- but the RIGHT to CHOOSE is a strenght of our Country and I am just so glad that our President did just that - make a choice based on HIS family needs- not the desires of the vocal Animal Rights groups.

I am also pleased that the girls have gotten a puppy rather than an adult. Now- they didn't get the cute, cuddly, 8 week old, but my guess is that the White House would not be the best place to house train a puppy anyway- so 6 months old is still "puppy enough" for the girls to enjoy.

Congratulations to the First Family and the new First Puppy! I hope that this dog enriches your life as much as my dogs enrich mine.

Sheltie Owner  – (April 15, 2009 at 6:47:00 AM PDT)  

Cadie, on thing that I liked about this situation: one dog fancier hooking up his friend with a good breed. And isn't that what we "dog people" do for our friends? I thought it was interesting that Senator Kennedy got a dog that needed a home and used his "connections" to help find him one. It's a common enough story, but this one has a huge spotlight on it. Cool.


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