Are YOU looking for a show dog?

These are pictures of "Jazz"- Acadia Shock N' Awe, who now resides in CA with Jean Thielmann and her family. Jean purchased "Jazz" to compete in the Conformation ring, agility ring, herding- and maybe other venues too. I am very excited about this puppy and I know that he is going to achieve all of the titles that Jean (and her son Wolf) are willing to work towards.

Currently I have one show quality female (litter sister to "Jazz") who I would be willing to share with a show home. She prefers people to dogs, so I am looking for a home that would be dedicated to showing her, but has few other dog residents.

I am also currently taking applications for Show Homes as I am currently doing a breeding and I will be willing to share the good ones with dedicated individuals who are willing to invest the time, energy, and money needed to train and compete in the show ring.


Barn and Kennel Signs

These beautiful signs were painted by Jeannie McNally, Shamrock shelties,

I have admired her art work for a while and I was finally able to have her paint some signs for me. On the Ewes and Lambs sign are Ch. Sunburst Acadia Here I Come and the puppy is Ch. Acadia's Bright Idea, RA, NA, NAJ and my favorite ewe, "Creamy" lambs. The dog on the Acadia Kennel sign is Ch. Acadia's Bright Idea, RA, NA, NAJ.


Happy Easter


New OAJ- Acadia Cierra Like A Rock, HT, RN, NA, *OAJ*

"Nicky" as he is known to those that love him, completed the OAJ title this past weekend and qualified in his first Excellent Jumpers class giving him one leg toward the AXJ. Way to go Nicky! "Nicky" is a lovely Carrie son and I hope that Merrylee Malanowski, Nicky's owner, will attempt to finish the AKC Championship with Nicky.