Acadia Serenity and __??__ at 10wks
I am keeping two puppies. One is from the Ch. Grandgables The Frat Boy x Acadia Peaceful Garden litter. That puppy's name will be Acadia Serenity, call name "Serena". The other puppy is from the Ch. Grandgables The Frat Boy x Acadia Presence of Mind litter. I would like to use "Presence" in the registared name, but I can't come up with anything I like- and I don't have a call name for her yet.
thinking of serenity prayer.... will be presence of courage? presence of wisdom?
Other suggestions people have sent to my email include:
Stage Presence
Devine Presence
Angle Presence
Please keep the suggestions coming... they are good
And more good suggestions:
Faithful Presence
Presence of Faith
Power of Presence
Please keep them coming--
I like Stage Presence and call her Stage! I've never heard of a dog with that name....
presence of Spirit? What is she like?
I agree - Stage Presence is a good one!