Fun set of shows with Latte, Alain, Leslie and new friends

 Alain brought Latte from Alaska for two weekends of shows.  My friend Leslie was visiting from Arizona the first weekend, and new, local, friends Marcia and Ted were showing their puppy and also my girl, Granby.  We had a fun 1st weekend, although the best Latte won was Reserve.  Leslie couldn't stay for the second (long) weekend, but Latte was Winners Bitch all 4 days and went home just needing 1 major to complete the championship.  

Marcia, Ted and I all had birthdays during the shows.  My birthday wish is always the same: go to a dog show and Win!  Of course there are not always shows on my birthday- but this year there was, and I did go to a dog show, and Latte was Winners Bitch, Marcia and Granby were Reserve Winners Bitch, and Lolo was Best of Breed.  It was a great day.

I really enjoyed the friendship, company, and assistance for the two weekends.  It was the perfect way to spend a birthday :-)


GCh. Solange Ultravox x Acadia Opinion Provided- I hope these puppies are going to be future champions


boy- unnamed right now.   Girl- I am calling her Techla right now.  This one reminds me of Liza as a puppy.  I sure hope I am right.  boy- I am calling him Tristan. I think he and Techla look very similar.  Girl- this girl I am calling Trestle.   I really like this whole litter.   They have a lot of growing and changing to do- but at 6 wks., I am very please.  


Puppy Fun !

 These puppies are 6 weeks old.  Today was a beautiful fall day, warm and sunny, so we decided to take a short trip to an under-used park.  My friend Linda and I were planning our trip, but as you can see, a few additional people saw the puppies and asked if they could visit them as well.  Of Course!!


Girls & Linda


Summer time Highs!!

 I have been SO FORTUNATE to have been asked by Kim and Pete of Laureate Shelties to show a few of their girls..  I started off with Laureate Meiomi (MeMe).  She was AMAZING!  She "moved right in" to my house and when we went to the shows together, this girl was On Fire!   I only showed her 1 long weekend (Wednesday-Sunday) and she Won every day expect Thursday.    Luckily for me it finished her championship as well.   1 "work week" of showing..... and done!   WOW!  Meme was a dream to show and live with.  The Laureate team called me a "rock star".....  but in a later post, you will see that perhaps I am a "one hit wonder". 


GCh. Acadia Presence of Mind 12/30/2008- 6/2/2022

 Cassia was my favorite.  If I could have cloned her, I would have.  She was a fabulous show dog, and won many accolades which made me proud, but mostly she was a great pet.  Easy to live with, and a lover of people, puppies, life...  She was beautiful both in body and spirit.  She was exactly what I wanted in a sheltie.

In 2017 when Mike and I were moving to Idaho, I was contacted by a fabulous couple that already had a sheltie from us and was looking for another- an adult.  I didn't think I could part with Cassia, but I also knew that we were moving, so everyone's life was going to be up-ended, and we were bringing quite a few dogs with us on our journey. If Cassia was going to move anyway,  I knew that Nancy and Dale were a great place to land.  I was confident they were going to love Cassia as much as I did, so I let her go with them.  

I missed her a lot, but they sent me great pictures and wonderful stories and I knew that Cassia was spreading her love to a new circle of people, and they in turn were responding with more love.  

On June 2 they contacted me to say that Cassia had departed this world and they were heart-broken.  Me too.  I will continue to look for her in her off-spring and be thankful for her time in my life.  She added a lot. 

A poem from Nancy:


Grand Champion in the ring 

Grand Champion in our hearts

It has taken too many days to write this tribute 

Because our tears were too fresh 

And our love for Cassia... ever present

 And Cassia was, and is, an example 

Of perfection 

Joy... love... fun... beauty... our pup 

She stayed by our side 

Nana in Peter Pan 

And yet she was independence personified 

We are, today, so lucky

 To have Cassia’s daughter at our side

 Keeper... a keeper... a piece of Cassia 

When you lose a dog 

The world tilts 

And steals a bit of your soul

 Cassia... you were more than a “bit” 

You shared our lives You stole our hearts... forever


Feeling a bit sentimental

 Lolo- Ch. Acadia Light Up The Stage.  When I first saw this picture, it reminded me of a picture of Carrie. Lolo is a descendent of Carrie's.  If you click on Carrie's "page" you can see just how many generations she goes back.

 When I looked at the 2 pictures together, I like Carrie's more- and although if you look at the "Carrie" label, you will see it here on the blog, I am not going to put them in the same post.   Just suffice to say, when I saw this picture, I saw Carrie- and it made sentimental about all of the dogs in this family, how much they have meant to me, and how each has had an impact on my life.  I am so blessed.


Gregory at 8 months and 2 weeks. - I still can't believe he is finished!



NEW CHAMPION *Ch* Acadia Gregarious

It's True!!  

 Jerry and Linda Gallo came to visit the puppies when they were about 6 weeks old.  I just loved this puppy, and he was so gregarious- he named himself.  I started calling him Gregory at a very young age. He went up to everyone and wanted to be pet, picked up, or just loved.

I noticed that Jerry was wearing this Champion shirt and I said- how fortuitous! 

Gregory finished the championship yesterday at the Western Mass. Shetland Sheepdog Specialty show winning another 5 point major.  This puppy finished in 4 shows all from the 6-9 puppy class.  His first points was a 5 point major win when he was 6 months and 6 days.  His last was a 5 point specialty major two weeks before he turns 9 months.  

I have never had a puppy finish the championship.  Typically my shelties finish around 3 years of age- Lolo just finished at age 5.  


Acadia Gregarious


Gregory has been doing great at the shows.  At his first all-breed show, when he was 6 months and 6 days, he won a 5 point major.  This past weekend he won another 5 points.  He is 8 months old and 2/3 of the way to the championship.  I am so proud of him.  

More than one judge has commented, "he is a beautiful puppy."- even a judge which gave him a second place at a specialty said to me is a "beautiful baby boy".  Gregory is an active and happy puppy.  I would like him to finish the championship soon and then I am going to figure out what else he would like to do.  I am thinking I would like to  have his herding instinct tested.  I think he might like that best.  First things first- I am excited about this puppy.


New Champion *Ch.* Acadia Light Up The Stage- Lolo


I am so excited to announce that Lolo is Now a Champion!  She is the 8th Consecutive Generation of Champion Bitch in her line.  She is the 2nd champion for her mother, GChS. Acadia Stage Presence, CC and the sister of Ch. Acadia's Stage Director.   

Lolo is such a sweet girl.  She is a great walking companion and so unassuming in the house.  Last year Lolo finally had a litter that we hope has a daughter that will carry on with this very successful pedigree.  I am just so pleased and Thankful! for these amazing Girls. 


Group 1 at 11.5 years old- GChS Acadia Stage Presence, CC -the girl's still got it!

 Amazing!!  I have been on a High all Week long!  Liza is 11.5 years old, and she looks really good, so I decided to enter her as a Veteran at the National.  As a refresher, I entered her in a few dog shows.   Sunday, at the First Company Governor's Foot Guard Athletic Association dog show, Mr. Robert Robinson honored her by awarding us a 1st Place in the Herding Group.  The show had a large entry, and it was really, really, an honor.

Because of her age, and the fact that we showed in the breed ring at 11:00, and groups were not going to start until 3:30, and the Herding Group was the 4th group, I wasn't going to stay.  I didn't want to wear her out too much.   While taking the Best of Breed picture I mentioned to the judge that I didn't think we were going to stay.   He said, "that's too bad."--------    Well, that changed my mind.  THANK GOD we STAYED!!  

When we were taking the group photo Mr. Robinson said, "when you are judging the breeds through the day, you know who you are sending to the group and you get a sense of what to expect."    He liked her from the start.  A week later and I am Still Flying High!   Liza is Amazing, and I am so lucky to have her.