New *CD*!!! Ch. Acadia Independence Day, *CD*, BN, RE

Congratulations to Anita and Mason on earning the Companion Dog (CD) obedience title.  The day he completed the title Anita and Mason earned 2nd place out of 23 dogs!  WTG!!!  I am So Proud of this team.  


Thanksgiving- the Fun, Yummy, and Dangers

Turkey Carcass - Dangerous!

Turkey broth (strain out the fatty skin)- Yum!
Thanksgiving always makes our house smell SO GOOD.  I love a house full of friends and family, good food, laughter and games. Mike and I host Thanksgiving and it is my favorite holiday. 

The dogs love Thanksgiving too.   They love the added attention from the guests and the promise of good food. Guests and good food. Both of those positive can also be dangerous and keeping an eye on pets, or having a plan will ensure a safe and happy day that everyone can be Thankful for when it is over.

More often than not guest are not as "door aware" as I am- or as I think they should be when visiting a house full of pets.  It always amazes me how many guests will leave a door open- or, just as bad, open it WIDE when they come in.  Pets see these open doors as invitations to come in, or go out.

It's not just dogs that are at risk of "door darting"- many people have cats too that might be indoor only cats.  Whenever we have guests, door management is "a thing".   Who wants to be searching for the escaped pet instead of celebrating?  No one.

Yummy Food!!  Thanksgiving promises a delicious meal that everyone wants to partake in.  If you eat in a room that is separate from the kitchen and the kitchen is not visible while you eat- put the pets in crates, outside, or someplace where you do not have to worry about who is attempting to get the food besides the guests. Dogs and cats should NEVER get the cooked bones from the Turkey.  Managing the trash is IMPORTANT.  If you put the turkey carcass in the trash, make sure it is in a Secure trash can.  If you have cats, or dogs that can reach the counter, don't leave it sitting out where they can reach it. 

Of course I love to share the good food with the dogs, and a safe way to do it is to make Turkey stock and poor it over their food.  I usually boil the entire carcass with seasonings, carrots and celery just to make homemade stock for soups and cooking the rest of the year anyway.   The night of Thanksgiving I boil up some of the skin and other parts to give to the dogs.  I strain out the skin and will add some of the meat- usually the leg meat since no one here seems to favor that.  I want them to have flavor, but not too much fat. 

Holidays are fun- but keeping the pets safe takes some thought.   Happy Thanksgiving!


Door Bells (aka Potty Bells)

Potty Bells:

Although I don’t have them at my house, I suggest them all the time.  I have seen quite a few variations but the concept is the same for all; hang bells on the door that the dog can reach.  When the door opens, the bells ring.  The dog makes the connection that ringing bells=open door.   It is great for puppies because they go outside to potty frequently, so they make the connection quickly.

It is easy to train puppies to touch the bells (enough so they ring) and then open the door and let them out.  They learn that if they need to potty they now have an effective way to “ask”.  As with training any new activity, it is important to be consistent and reward the desired behaviors- in this case, the reward is going outside and going potty.  Once the connection is firmly established that just ringing the bells open the door, they will also be “asking” to go out to chase squirrels, bark at the neighbors, or other activities unrelated to bathroom breaks too.   

Taking the bells off the door when you not able to accommodate the request will preserve the relationship of ringing bells= open door.  If the dog has just been outside and successfully gone potty, but then rings the bells just to go out to play, you can decide if that is Ok (and let them out), or if you want to remove the bells from the door.  Just remember to put the bells back on the door- or, you may find an accident on the floor.  


Daylight Savings Time vs Standard Time

Personally I find it a bit Funny to call the time from November to March "standard time" when more than half the year is spent in Daylight Savings Time.  It takes me awhile to adjust to a one hour difference,  the dogs don't care either way and they continue as if nothing changed.

It's when we change the clocks that I am reminded that only humans care about "time"- and maybe there are still humans in the world that are not Clockwatchers, but rather, live by the natural cycle of light.  The animals do.  The puppies woke us up at the "usual time" 6:00am, but today that was 5:00am.  We got up, put the puppies outside to potty, fed the adults, brought the puppies in, fed them....  the normal routine. 


Ch. Hartwyns Acadia Totality- Dwight

Dwight is a really special guy.  He is very moderate- in every way.  I haven't measured him recently, so I don't know how tall he is.  He is balanced and fits himself.   His head planes are level, eye shape and size are correct.  His ears are Natural!  His foot timing is perfect and he moves effortlessly.  His temperament is easy going and responsive, but not nervous in any way.  His coat is Huge and great texture.  I have done a bunch of his health testing- which is on the OFA website- and so far he is a very "Normal" dog.   This is a really nice guy and I am excited to have him.


New Champion! *Ch* Hartwyns Acadia Totality

*Ch* Hartwyns Acadia Totality, aka- Dwight, won two 5 point specialty majors in one weekend.  That was an Amazing way to finish his championship.   Jan Williams showed him for me this summer.  Dwight is the grandson of GCh. Acadia Serenity.  I am really excited about this moderate young guy.


New *MACH* Acadia's Direct Energy

Carol, his owner, trainer and handler, says that Derek is Sooooo fast, he currently has 2600 points and last month he was #18 for the AKC invitational and the one only in the top 25 without a MACH- well, no longer!  Sunday, April 14th, he finished the Master Agility Champion (MACH).   I am SOO Proud of both of you.


MACH3 Acadia's Perpetual Motion, RA, MXB2, MJB2, XF, T2B2

 Robbie is not only the Master Agility Champion we know he would be, but he did it 3 times now!! 
 He is also the star of a calendar!  He is in the 2019 Brown Trout Sheltie Calendar.

Robbie Qualified to be in the AKC Agility Nationals again this year.  Good Boy Robbie and Congratulations to owner and trainer Janet.


Carrots- my new favorite chew toys

Carrots make great chew toys.  They are 100% edible, 100% digestible, easy to find, and inexpensive.  The larger the better if they will be used for recreational chewing.   I had given the baby carrots as treats, but then I bought these large carrots to feed our mules and I was reminded how great the big carrots are for the dogs to just chew.

They are so happy


Lucy and Mason are on their way to new Obedience and Rally titles

Acadia Catch Me If You Can, CDX, BN, GN, GO, RAE, MX- "Lucy" earned her 1st Utility leg and a 3rd place.  That is quite an accomplishment.

Ch. Acadia Independence Day, RI, BN "Mason" earned 2 Rally Advanced legs. 

I am so proud of these dogs and their owners/trainers.  Thank you!


Happy New Year 2019

Acadia King Charles says Happy New Year.  On December 30 , 2018 his one and only litter (with Dove) that included GCh. Cassia, GCh. Manny and Ch. Eden turned 10 years old.   Today Charlie's family sent me this great picture.  It is so hard to believe how time flies.  I hope that I take the time to stop and smell the Roses and enjoy each dog every day.