New *CD*!!! Ch. Acadia Independence Day, *CD*, BN, RE
Turkey Carcass - Dangerous! |
Turkey broth (strain out the fatty skin)- Yum! |
Personally I find it a bit Funny to call the time from November to March "standard time" when more than half the year is spent in Daylight Savings Time. It takes me awhile to adjust to a one hour difference, the dogs don't care either way and they continue as if nothing changed.
It's when we change the clocks that I am reminded that only humans care about "time"- and maybe there are still humans in the world that are not Clockwatchers, but rather, live by the natural cycle of light. The animals do. The puppies woke us up at the "usual time" 6:00am, but today that was 5:00am. We got up, put the puppies outside to potty, fed the adults, brought the puppies in, fed them.... the normal routine.
*Ch* Hartwyns Acadia Totality, aka- Dwight, won two 5 point specialty majors in one weekend. That was an Amazing way to finish his championship. Jan Williams showed him for me this summer. Dwight is the grandson of GCh. Acadia Serenity. I am really excited about this moderate young guy.
Carol, his owner, trainer and handler, says that Derek is Sooooo fast, he currently has 2600 points and last month he was #18 for the AKC invitational and the one only in the top 25 without a MACH- well, no longer! Sunday, April 14th, he finished the Master Agility Champion (MACH). I am SOO Proud of both of you.
Acadia Catch Me If You Can, CDX, BN, GN, GO, RAE, MX- "Lucy" earned her 1st Utility leg and a 3rd place. That is quite an accomplishment.
Ch. Acadia Independence Day, RI, BN "Mason" earned 2 Rally Advanced legs.
I am so proud of these dogs and their owners/trainers. Thank you!