Rincon x Allie puppies are here!

Allie had a litter of 6 sired by Rincon. There are 4 boys- 2 sables and 2 tricolors, and 2 girls- both sable. All of the puppies were large, fat and healthy. Allie is a great mother. I look forward to getting pictures of them on the blog.


Belle's kids are Calendar Dogs!

Keith gave me the Brown Trout "Shetland Sheepdog" 2011 calendar for Christmas- you know- the wall calendar that you can find in all of the book stores, Hallmark stores and other places that sell calendars! WELL, it turns out that TWO of Belle's kids are "Calendar Dogs" !!!! How COOL is That! Miss October (my birthday month!) is "Sister" and Mr. May is "Bitty". These two are littermates.


Xena doing Weaves with front cross