New *CDX* for Acadia Aquilegia, RE,MX,AXJ, *CDX*

From Amy: "Quill did well at the obedience trials last weekend at the Santa Clara fairgrounds. Three trials in one weekend. San Mateo DTC (28 entries) AM Saturday, San Francisco DTC (28 entries) PM Saturday and Santa Clara DTC Sunday (26 entries). There were a few absentees but couldn't get the exact count. Quill took 2nd place at all 3 trials. 197-1/2, 195, 195-1/2. Quill had one leg at the San Mateo KC show several weeks before with 189. Several people had photos taken and I had one taken also so if it should come out I'll send you one. "


Evidence of Otters

Can you see the tracks along the stream?

How about now?

Mike followed the tracks.

He did finally see two otters- but not on this day- when he had the camera.


New *Superior Novice Chances* title for Acadia Rumor Has It

Phyllis emailed to give updates on Rally, Rumor and Rain. A few weeks ago Rally (who is already a NATCH2, V-NATCH2) earned the Triple Triple Superior & Triple Superior Versatility titles. Rumor has really started to make his move on agility titles. Phyllis said that his start-line stays were much better and they completed the Open Regular, Chances and Jumpers titles.

Phyllis competes in NADAC agility trials. She has an "up-comer", Rain- she was pictured as a younger puppy on the 2009 year in review. Rain just turned a year old this December, but she has already begun winning the hearts of fellow competitors.


Manny harasses Iris- then calls for reinforcement

Why won't this cow just MOVE! I am barking! I am scary! I am BIG!! Hey guys, come help me make this cow MOVE!