"Gus" Hoffman and his "brother" the Keeshond

I just love to get pictures of the "kids". This sheltie is Gus. I just love this picture of him and his "brother" the Keeshond (sorry, I can't remember his name). Gus is training to do competitive obedience. I look forward to more pictures and success stories to come!


Acadia Cierra Like A Rock, OAJ, NA, HT, RN


Penny and her Shetland Sheep

This is Penny. She is the owner/trainer of Show Low and Gracie. About a year ago Penny got 3 Shetland Sheep. This year she added Bah-Barbra Ann. They are not the "best" herding sheep, but they do give the dogs a good challenge and their wool makes GREAT sweaters! Penny is learning to shear the sheep, care for the wool, and spin the wool. I never asked her if she knits- but I DO!


U-CH, U-CD Linden Acadia Stacked Deck, CDX, HSAsd, HIAd, HTAD1, HRD1

"Show Low" is the father of WIT and Belle, and the grandfather of Rincon. He received his first Herding Intermediate leg on sheep with a tie for 1st place!!!
AKC herding offers all trial classes - Herding Started (HS), Herding Intermediate (HI), and Herding Advanced (HX) on 3 different "courses"- A, B, and C. The A course is in an arena; the B course is in a field; and the C course is a "tending" course. Trials have the choice of three types of livestock as well- ducks, sheep, or cattle. The title letters let you know what level, what course, and what stock type, so for example, Show Low has already completed the Herding Intermediate title (A course) on ducks- HIAd. When he completes the title on sheep as well, his title will be HIAds.


MDR-1 Genotype Results

Multiple Drug Sensitivity (MDR1 gene) DNA Test
This DNA test identifies dogs that are sensitive to several medications. Shelties, Collies, Australian Shepherds, and Border Collies are a few of the breeds with this genetic mutation. Several commonly used drugs, ex. antiparasitic drugs (some used in heartworm preventatives), tranquilizers (acepromazine), and anti-diarrheal drugs (Imodium®) are a few of the drugs that may affect dogs with this genetic mutation. This test would provide useful, practical knowledge for every Sheltie owner, since knowing the status of each dog as clear, carrier, or affected would help a veterinarian determine which drugs to use or avoid in a particular dog.
As of March, 2008, 448 Shelties have been tested (Washington State University) with 11% being heterozygous (carriers) for the MDR1 mutation, and 1 % homozygous for the MDR1 mutation. Heterozygous dogs (carriers) exhibit sensitivity to drugs that is similar to or less than that of homozygous (affected) dogs. A complete list of drugs that may affect dogs with the MDR1 gene can be found at the following link: http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/depts-VCPL/drugs.aspx. More information on the topic can be found at: http://www.vetmed.wsu.edu/depts-VCPL/ and http://www.ashgi.org/articles/mdr1.htm.
The test can be performed using DNA from cheek brush collection that can be mailed-in by the owner.
Explanation of test results:
Normal/Normal- These dogs do not carry the mutation, and will not pass on the mutation to their offspring. These dogs would not be expected to experience unexpected adverse drug reactions to normal doses of ivermectin, loperamide (Imodium®), and some anticancer drugs.

I just tested the following dogs and here are the results (from Washington State University)
Ch. Acadia's Bright Idea, RA, NA, NAJ Normal/Normal (MDR1-12080)
Ch. Acadia It's My Treat Normal/Normal (MDR1-12081)
Acadia On My Mind Normal/Normal (MDR1-12082)
Acadia Sunburst Merry and Bright Normal/Normal (MDR1- 12083)
Acadia Sweet Home Arizona Normal/Normal (MDR1 - 12084)

Acadia Sweet Emotion, AXJ,OA, OAF, PT was tested Normal/Normal a year ago and Heart Lake Acadia Le Roi de Cour is Normal/Normal by parentage.


2 HX Legs at Wit's FIRST Herding trial!!

Morene Brown (who also owns MACH/NATCH2/ADCH Acadia's Candidate, HS) has been taking Acadia Whatever It Takes, NA, NAJ (WIT) to herding classes. Morene prefers to do agility, so the women with the sheep trains WIT. She told Morene, "don't bother with the lower level titles- this dog is GOOD". Well- she was RIGHT.
This past weekend WIT was entered in the Advanced Herding class at his VERY FIRST herding trial and he Qualified both days giving him 2 (out of the required 3) legs for the Herding Excellent (HX) title! WOW. I hope WIT will be my first herding Champion. WIT is the litter brother to Acadia's Sweet Necessity, HT, RN (Belle). These two are just 4 years old. See the comments about Belle's kids and pictures of them herding in an earlier post. Belle is also the mother of my tri-dog Acadia Sweet Home Arizona (Rincon) who is also a super herding dog.
I am very proud of these dogs. They have herding ability in the genes!


Success at the Specialties!

What a GREAT weekend this was. I am showing Belaire Little Bit Country ("Lola") for Gloria and Ken Hansen. She is the litter sister to Lainey, who I finished* last year. Lola is lovely, refined, has a PERFECT head, and I have told Gloria that I think that fellow sheltie breeders will really appreciate her qualities. Well, this weekend I showed her at the Interstate Shetland Sheepdog Club speciality show and she was Winners Bitch and Best of Winners under long time breeder judge Jo Virden for 5 pts! (which is the maximum number of points you can win at a show).

Lola was in the Open sable & white class, which was HUGE. We were 2nd from the end to be examined and when Mrs. Virden completed the exam and said to me, "take her around and put her at the front of the line" my heart leaped! I knew there was only ONE MORE to examine in the class! Sure enough, we stayed in front and won the huge open sable class. I felt very good going into the Winners class, but then Mrs. Virden really took her time and moved many and gave a good look to many in the winners class. When it was all said and done, she came back to me and said, "You will be my winners"- What a GREAT feeling!
Just as exciting as winning- was calling Gloria to tell her of the win. I just love calling with such good news.

When I got home, I found out that I had some additional good news. Acadia Shock N' Awe- a dog bred by me, but who is owned by Jean Theilmann and lives across the country in California, was also shown at a specialty this past weekend. He was handled by Jennifer Brough and he won both his Sweepstakes class and his regular class. He is still a puppy, and class wins at Specialties are really just that- special. Specialty shows have breeder judges and it is always good to know your breeding program is going in the right direction.

No one took (candid) pictures of me and Lola- so here are two pictures of Acadia Shock N' Awe and Jennifer. I will post the win photos of Lola when I get them.

*"Finished" is the jargon used by show people to mean "completed the requirements for a champion- or - finished the championship requirements"


Acadia Aquilegia, OAJ, NA, CD, New *RA*

Amy reports that Quill took 1st place with a perfect score of 100 for his final Advanced Rally leg. The next day Amy moved Quill up to the Excellent level and the two of them Qualified for his first Excellent leg with a score of 94.

In a few weeks I will be going to California to judge Sweepstakes and I will be staying with Amy and Quill. I am very excited to finally meet Amy, and of course to see Quill again. I will take pictures while I am there.