Breckon wins a 5 pt. major!!

This past weekend at the Trumbull County Kennel Club, Belaire's What You Leave Behind ("Breckon") and I won a nice 5 pt. major under judge, Mr. Sonny Ambrosio. This was Breckon's third major and brings his point total to 13 - just 2 away from the coveted championship.

The pictures here are not from the Trumbull County Kennel Club- they were taken by our wonderful friend and photographer Karen at shows a few weeks prior.
Breckon is owned and loved by Gloria and Ken Hansen (Belaire shelties and corgis) and was bred by Gloria Hansen and Yvonne Ansick. He is a very nice dog with a virtue that is hard to find in our breed. Breckon has the nicest front with a forechest- if you see us at a show and you want to go over him, just ask- I am always willing to show off the great virtues the dogs posses.


Valerie's Summer Vacation at the Beach


First HI leg for Show Low

U-Ch. Linden Acadia Stacked Deck, HSAsd, CD earned his first Herding Intermediate (HI) leg- with a second place- on ducks this past weekend. Penny reports that this is HER first HI leg as well. Congratulations to you both.


Sunni goes WB

Sunburst Bright Sunny Day was Winners Bitch at the Greater Sierra Vista Kennel Club on May 6, 2007 for a point. Sunni is sired by Ch. Acadia's Bright Idea, RA, NA, NAJ out of Ch. Sunburst Acadia Here I Come. She is a litter sister to Ch. Brianne and is also owned by Sharon Crawford, Sunburst Shelties. We look forward to hearing news of Sunni's quest towards her championship.


Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's day. Many of us spent this "holiday" with our favorite furry kids. Pam Hetrick sent this photo (taken by her human kid Jessica) of her with Valerie (on lap), Quest (BC) and Molly, seated in front. Jessica took the first picture while Molly was saying, "Hey Jessica. Turn the the camera around so you won't cut off Mom's head." Pam didn't tell me what Jessica said to Molly that made her laugh so hard in the next picture.


New Novice Agility title- Acadia Aquilegia, NA

Aquilegia- the scientific name for the plant Columbine- Columbine is "a beautiful plant with graceful flowers that are highly attractive to hummingbirds, Columbines are a great addition to any garden. Aquilegia have a lot to offer with being drought-tolerant once established, partially shade tolerant and adaptive to a variety of soil conditions"- from Sooner Plant Farm.

All of that describes "Quill"- a Beautiful dog, who is graceful and highly attractive to humans, he is a great addition to owner Amy's household and he has a lot to offer as he is very adaptable.

This weekend Amy and Quill earned the Novie Agility title (NA) and one leg towards the open agility title. Congratulations and Good luck to both of you.


Acadia Cierra Like A Rock, HT,NA,NAJ,RN,Hcts,CGC,TDI,CL2-R,CL2-H,CL2-S,CL2-F,

This past weekend Arlene piloted Nicky to the NAJ title and then went on to get 2 (out of 3 required) legs towards his OAJ. Congratulations to you both!


Chips goes WD at Penn Treaty KC

I am showing Mejimo Chip Off The Old Block "Chips" for Robyn Fatula-Confer (Mejimo shelties). Thanks to Karen Kuszyk for these great photos. Chips is an 11 month old puppy and this was his first outdoor show. He was Winners Dog for his first point.