Miss January!

Ch. Acadia Another Story, UD, PT, NA, VCX was selected by the Mid-Florida Shetland Sheepdog Club to be in the 2007 Sheltie Calendar. This is a lovley calendar that is very well done and widely regarded. It is an honor to be included. Thank you Penny for submitting the photo of Gracie.


Nicholas earns a Novice Agility title

Acadia Cierra Like a Rock, HT, NA, CGC, TDI, HCTs, CL2-R, CL2-F, CL2-S, CL2-H, CL3-S, CLF-F (AKC pointed)

Merrylee, Nicky's owner, reports that Nicky completed the requirements for his Novice Agility title on November 19. He has only been in two weekends of AKC agility trials and earned the required 3 legs for the title. He has 2 legs towards his Novice Jumpers title as well. Nicky's friend, Arlene, trains and shows him in agility. Nicholas will continue to work towards becoming a Ch/VCX


Rosalie's picture

Here is the picture of Rosalie (Acadia's Crown Jewel) from her RWB win. She is so cute. Posted by Picasa


Redesigned Website

Thank you Daveena Michael for the wonderful job you do designing websites. If you want to see this lovely site, our new web address is www.acadiashelties.com


Rosalie is RWB at the Kennel Club of Philadelphia

Saturday, Nov. 18, 2006 James Reynolds awarded Acadia's Crown Jewel RWB. This was only her second show.